

I've been on a flight. Jefry told me that although the flight would take a few days for me, Earth time will have moved on by "many months". Many months? I thought maybe 9 or 10 - it's been 51!

51 months!!!

Frankly though I'm not suprised. Now I've got to catch up with all that happened on Earth in that time! Okay maybe not all, that would be a bit much. I see the internet's changed quite a lot but not much else. Although there's still a lot of porn. I'm sure there'll be a few suprises - the first thing I saw was a cartoon about a site called "Two girls and one cup". Heh.

But now I've got to make a decision. Am I still 36, or am I now 40?! I suspect I am officially 40, but I'll be damned if that 11 day trip has robbed me of youth. I know it's all relative (get it?) but really, I'm not in my 40s! My 41st birthday is next month! But okay then, if I just keep counting my age according to MY reality, when is my birthday? I suppose I could sit and work it out, bu it's not the same. And to be honest, I can't be arsed.

Okay so if I had no readers before I definitely don't have any now! By all rights I should be feeling a bit down; but actually I feel pretty lucky right now. The internet's a hundred times better and I've got over four years of great music to listen to...

I'll be back... to finish my "abduction" story too. Even though nobody is reading it, it is good for my soul. Hell, for all I know this isn't even published online. Andrew, are you reading this?

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